People who have heart attacks die in the hospital, too

Word cloud heart disease related in shape of heart organ

Hi, folks, Ima Frawde, CHC (certified home cardiologist) here to explain how to care for your heart at home.

It’s time for people to take back the care of their hearts from the cardiology industry and treat hearts as the natural organs that they are. Consider:

Animals don’t use cardiologists. Animals have existed for tens of millions of years despite the fact that animals in nature never use cardiologists. People are animals, too, so obviously we don’t need cardiologists, either.

If heart disease were really as big a problem as cardiologists claim, we wouldn’t be here. Cardiologists like to claim that literally hundreds of thousands of people each year require cardiac interventions. Really? Our ancestors didn’t have cardiologists and we’re still here.

All we need to do is eat and exercise like our paleolithic ancestors and care for our hearts with certified home cardiologists and everyone will be just fine.

What’s the difference between a CHC and an MD cardiologist? There are many, many important differences including:

Certified home cardiologists trust hearts. MD cardiologists act like people anybody could have a heart attack at any moment and that we must be prepared. Home cardiologists know that heart attacks are rare and that most of the time hearts work just fine.

Home cardiologists don’t do screening tests. Do you know that most people screened with tests like cholesterol levels and EKG’s DON’T actually have heart problems. It’s true; therefore you should reject any testing that might show you are at increased risk for heart problems.

Home cardiologists don’t pay any attention to risk factors. High cholesterol, abnormal EKG’s, obesity and smoking don’t make a patient high risk because they are just variations of normal.

Home cardiologists don’t play the “dead person card.” Instead of trying to scare you by claiming that heart attacks increase the risk of death, home cardiologists soothe their patients by insisting that there is no increased risk.

MD cardiologists do too many angioplasties and cardiac surgeries; home cardiologists do none. It is a well known fact that people who leave their heart care to home cardiologists have a much lower angioplasty rate and a much lower cardiac surgery rate. This dramatically reduces medical costs.

MD cardiologists do angioplasties and surgeries because they are rushing off to their golf games. Home cardiologists, on the other hand, take the time to watch your heart attack evolve.

Home cardiologists know that attitude is critically important. As our homebirth midwives sisters have taught us, merely mentioning complications causes them. That’s why we never ask our patients if they are having chest pain.

Chest pain is good pain. The heart is a muscle and like any muscle it may have pain when you exercise. Crushing chest pain is just a variation of normal. Plus, you know what they say: no pain, no gain.

Home cardiologists carry the same equipment as MD cardiologists. We carry drugs and oxygen, too, so what’s the difference?

The hospital is only 10 minutes away. MD cardiologists insist that if you are having crushing chest pain you should take a baby aspirin and call an ambulance. Why? You only need to go to the hospital if you are risk of dying of the heart attack, so there’s no reason to go to the hospital unless you your EKG flat-lines. Most of the time you don’t even need to take an ambulance. Your home cardiologist will just drop your unconscious body at the local emergency room.

And, the clincher:

People who have heart attacks die in the hospital, too. In fact MORE people die of heart attacks in a hospital cardiac care unit than at home.

If you can trust your baby’s life to a homebirth midwife, surely you can trust your own life to a home cardiologist. The reasoning is exactly the same.