Noted childbirth educator behind My OB Said What

Recently I asked Why are the owners of “My OB said WHAT” hiding?

The website “My OB said WHAT?” is supposed to highlight “stupid” things said by obstetricians. It is a slick, professionally designed smear campaign, clearly requiring a fair amount of money to create and maintain. Yet the owners feel that they have something to hide — their own identities.

Apparently they are hiding their identities because they don’t want it known that a nationally prominent childbirth educator is behind “My OB Said What?” Teri Shilling, former president of Lamaze International.

In addition to her role as past president of Lamaze International, Ms. Shilling is Founder and CEO of Passion for Birth Childbirth Education, board member of Regional Association of Childbirth Educators of Puget Sound (REACHE), a DONA doula trainer for the Seattle Midwifery School/Bastyr U. She serves as the Media review chair for the Journal of Perinatal Education, and volunteers as the Lamaze International development member of the Education Council.

Readers of this blog will know her better as MaryM who has posted here repeatedly in the past week or so under that pseudonym and as “guest.” She posted such gems as:

The reason there is nothing personal on MOSW is probably because it is a forum – it’s for the women who want to submit what they have been through. Your theory about a stealth marketing campaign with an astro turf appearance is even more paranoid then your original attacks.

I privately offered Ms. Shilling the opportunity to comment on her involvement. She did not deny it; her only response was that the organization Passion for Birth is not involved. She mentioned nothing about the other organizations with which she is associated, but that could be because I did not ask her specifically about those other organizations.

Ms. Shilling is not the only person behind MOSW. As more information becomes available, I will share it.

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