I have an iPhone app: Dr. Amy’s Am I Pregnant Quiz

I have arrived; I’ve got my own iPhone App. For those who have been living under a rock, “iPhone App” is short for iPhone application, tiny applications that can be accessed only through an iPhone, and purchased through the iTunes Store.

The “Am I Pregnant Quiz” was developed in response to the requests of the millions of readers of my primary website, Ask Dr. Amy. It provides women with an immediate and personalized answer to the question “Am I Pregnant?” based on the responses to 10 questions about menstrual cycle and symptoms. It’s not a substitute for a pregnancy test, of course, but it provides guidance for women are wondering about their chances of pregnancy this month.

Each month over 50,000 women ask themselves “Am I Pregnant?” Hopefully, the “Am I Pregnant Quiz” iPhone app can help them find out the answer.