The Feminist Breeder is so not judging you for failing to breastfeed

Full of fools

Gina Crosly-Corcoran is confused:

I am brave (foolish) enough to admit that while I totally and completely support any woman’s right and choice to feed her babies however she needs to, I still, deep down in a place I don’t like to admit, don’t really “get” it when a woman chooses, without any medical or social barrier, not to breastfeed. To me it’s sorta like deciding not to take prenatal vitamins because you just don’t wanna, without recognizing that they do help build a healthier baby. I will NOT be all sanctimonious about it, I’m just saying I’m human and that one’s a head scratcher for me. We have lactating boobs for a reason: to feed the babies we make.

Kind of like:

I am brave (foolish) enough to admit that while I totally and completely support transgender people, I still, deep down in a place I don’t like to admit, don’t really “get” when a man or a woman chooses to be the opposite sex. To me it’s sorta like deciding not to get married because you just don’t wanna, without recognizing that heterosexual families are what nature intended. I will NOT be all sanctimonious about it, I’m just saying I’m human and that one’s a head scratcher for me. A man has a penis for a reason, and a woman has a vagina for a reason: to be the gender that they were born to be.

See! Not sanctimonious or judgmental at all!