A special thank you to the readers of my blog


PUSH BACK: Guilt in the Age of Natural Parenting is here!

It’s now available on Amazon and everywhere else.

I wanted to share two things from the book with my readers, many of whom have become my virtual friends.

First is the dedication page:


For my husband, Michael. Thirty-five years after our wedding, I still do!

Second is an excerpt from the acknowledgements:


… A special thank-you to the commenters on my blog, the smartest, wittiest, most articulate commenters on the Internet. I continue to learn from you each and every day and I cannot begin to express how much I value our virtual friendship.

Finally, I want to offer my deepest gratitude to the many women who, through private correspondence, have shared their anguish and guilt about childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting travails. Some have given me permission to tell their stories in this volume, but there are many more whose stories could not be included for reasons of space. I am conscious of the honor that you have done me by confiding in me and I hope this book rewards your confidence in my ability to bear witness and to ease your pain.