Dentists medicalizing the tooth experience

I am sick and tired of dentists medicalizing the tooth experience. Having teeth is not a disease, so why do dentists spend all their time worrying about tooth problems? I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with dentists treating me like my teeth are a disaster waiting to happen.

Our teeth are the product of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. They are designed to work perfectly without anyone brushing them, applying chemical toothpastes to them or even monitoring them. Do animals brush? I don’t think so. Animals are able to use their teeth without any dental interventions. Why should we act as if human beings are any different?

Cavities, gum disease, periodontal infections? Those are just fancy words that dentists use to convince us that our mouths are broken. And if they fool us into thinking our mouths are broken, they can bill us for all sorts of dental interventions, and use the money to buy BMWs to head to the Club for golf.

First of all, everyone knows that there are three keys to healthy teeth: diet, exercise, and educating yourself about your tooth options. I’ll bet that 99.9% of tooth problems could be prevented by these simple measures. The diet and exercise are self explanatory, but how do you educate yourself about your tooth options?

You get educated by Googling “teeth” and reading every website that is not written by a dental professional. Don’t listen to any dentists. They don’t learn anything about nutrition or exercise in dental school. Even worse, they’ve been co-opted by Big Floss and have a vested interest in making money by scaring you.

We need to return to the “natural” or “physiologic” tooth experience. There are no toothbrushes or dental floss in nature, so we should not ruin our tooth experience by using them to intervene in our mouths. We successfully used our teeth for hundreds of thousands of years before there were any dentists. If our teeth were really as delicate as dentists insist, we would have died out long ago.

Those who have educated themselves about tooth options know that dentists are not to be trusted. They used to tie string around a tooth to pull it out? They were wrong about that, and that means that they are wrong about everything.

I know some of you are thinking that you might want to visit a dentist because you have tooth pain, but that’s because you don’t understand how empowering the pain of teeth can be. Real women and men embrace the pain; only the weak and frightened give in and take Tylenol, or, worse yet, submit to dental work. At the very least, you should try natural measures before going to the dentist. Put herbs on your teeth. Stick your face into a kiddie pool filled with warm water (everyone knows that water soothes pain). Visit your cranio-sacral therapist. Most tooth pain can be treated with a simple spinal alignment.

Whatever you do, don’t let them operate on you. There is rarely any need to have a cavity filled, and gum surgery should be reserved only for use if death is imminent. And if you teeth fall out, don’t get dentures. You might think that dentures will help you eat, but that’s not real eating. Authentic, empowered men and women know that it is better to starve to death than to chew with artificial teeth.

Let’s review:

1. No brushing, no toothpaste, no dental floss. We didn’t use them in nature; we don’t need to use them now.

2. Educate yourself about your tooth options so you can reject the medicalization of the tooth experience.

3. Tooth pain is empowering. Don’t try to blunt it or block it with drugs.

4. Don’t trust your dentist. He is only trying to enrich himself as quickly as possible so he can get back to his golf game.

5. Refuse dental surgery unless the dentist can prove you will die without it.

It is time to end the medicalization of the tooth experience!